


My mum doesn't know this but I actually don't like working in the kitchen. As much as I gloat about being in the kitchen is great and what not, I don't actually feel that way. For me, I've always wanted something that could me up on the map, no, not being a celebrity or whatever you may call it.

I've always wanted to lend a helping hand in humanitarian/environmental work. I've always dreamt of joining the likes of NGC, WWF, DC, UNICEF. I've always wanted to make a difference in whatever I do. As I've started working here, I can't really say that I hate working here or I don't like it. I don't like the things we do in the kitchen.

Such wastages going down the drain of proportional sizes. Sometimes, things like throwing away salads, I don't do since I just hate looking at it going into the bin. Of course, I keep my mouth shut knowing what's good for me.

Ah, whatever it is, as soon as I finish my 2 years here, I'm heading off into my journalism and into the world of writing. Photography, Writing articles, MAKING A CHANGE. That's what I want. *smacks* FUCK. damn mosquitoes.

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