


I've noticed, that ever since I got the laptop here, I've been less productive. I mean, having the laptop here isn't much of a problem. I used to walk around the town like everyday, be it my off day or not.

Now, it seems I only stare at my laptop screen for hours, doing things I'm less concerned about. Of course, I've had the ability to watch my dramas now without complaining. Apart from that, it's just listening to music, 4chan-ing, wow-ing, and chatting. I think I prefered my life before the laptop came along. Though I wasn't in contact with many during the time, I felt like I was better off that way. Maybe I was just made that way. To enjoy the silence of not having companions to speak to, etc. Hence, my productivity rate has gone down albeit not much.

I go to work, and it's literally the same. It's work. It won't differ much on other days but I've noticed that I've started getting a bit lazy. Like making my subordinate do most of the work, while I just supervise. It could be a reason as I've been promised to be given a move to a different kitchen but it has yet to go through. I guess, I shouldn't complain if I know what's good for me. I'm not making any sense am I? Oh well, I guess I'll be the only one to understand what I write.

Good day people. I'll be attempting to write an article on the restaurant I'm working at. See you around. =)

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